Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Pause Button Please

Our lives have been so crazy and busy the last few weeks. I've sat back and said "why is this happening" as well as "what were we thinking" and "what have we gotten ourselves into". I feel, as I'm sure everyone does at some point, like I need a pause button so I can sit back and catch my breath for a few minutes.

On top of all the craziness I've had virtually no sleep since Tuesday because of this little girl. This is the sickest she's ever been and I sure hope we're going to be on the mend now.

Ardon has been slightly board at times but also very caught up in the 'going's on' of our household lately.

He has been able to spend some time outside and created some chalk artwork on the patio. Play time outside is definitely not going to happen today though, what crazy weather! As much as I look out the window at the cold, wet, mess and think, oh no, now I can't get x, y, & z done, I am not really disappointed about it.

I am looking forward to our weekend, full as it may be, at least my husband will be around for it and that always makes things better!

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