Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Lot of Work

To get a little bit of lotion.

All too often this is where I find this guy, he has so much upper body strength he can hoist himself up just about anywhere. He climbs up for many reasons, this time it happened to be for moisturizer.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

After School Snack

After our last birthday party celebration I decided to freeze our leftovers for a future snack. As our freezer has been emptying out over the last couple weeks I've seen a small brown package emerging and decided today is when it would make its debut!
We thawed out the cake, got the frosting out, melted down the white chocolate and dug out the toppings. We made a huge mess but everyone had a great time and a yummy snack at the end of it, so that makes it all worth it right? In case you haven't guessed, we made cake balls today! We didn't have enough stuff left over to make a lot but it was plenty for us to enjoy and enough to keep the kids entertained for a while.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 5

1 week down, 30-something to go! It was a light but successful first week.

Monday, August 5, 2013

First Day...

Of school! Well, I wasn't quite ready for our summer break to be over but I know the sooner we get started and into a routine the better. This week we are starting with language arts and since I am using a different curriculum for each subject we will be adding everything else over the next few weeks so we have a nice gradual start up. Even though I wasn't quite ready mentally for school to start Ardon was excited this morning and ready to get going. It was a little bit of a challenge and Eliad had to spend some time (locked) in his room (see his after picture of what he looked like when I let him out) but overall the morning went well. Here's to the start of a new school year!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Playing in Puddles

There's been a lot of rain around here lately. It's been good for many reasons, our yard for one since our sprinkler system is on the fritz this summer and of course rain helps creat puddles for children who like to jump in them. We had a 'puddle party' recently with cousins and the kids had a blast. My pictures are a bit blurry but I guess that's what happens when it's raining and children are running and jumping while your trying to snap shots of them!