Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Picture Post From Ardon

My mom and dad bought Ardon a camera, I think it was for last Christmas. He has had a lot of fun learning to use it and taking pictures. While I was working on the computer the other day he told me he had some picture he wanted to put up for everyone to see, so here goes. Due to the 'kid friendly' build of the camera and too little battery for the flash the picture are fuzzy.

Elee- One of his favorite subjects to shoot.

Mom and Elee- He thinks its funny to take quick pictures when we're not ready for him.

And last of all, the mystery shot! There were about half a dozen of these all identical to each other.


Elee got a pair of shoes from one of our cousins a while back, they're still a tad big but she really likes them!

They're so much fun to run and stomp around in that it's hard to get her centered in a picture!

And if you kick your feet really fast like this...

they have really neat flashing lights that go off!

Thanks Cadie, we love them!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Camping In

Bronze has to work tomorrow so as part of our Memorial Day celebrating we decided to let Ardon camp in.

We set up a tent in his room and let him watch a show on his handheld system.

He was so excited! His camping supplies include, but are not limited to: Mr. Frog for a sleeping buddy, a bat to scare away any bad guys, a flashlight- of course and crackers and water just in case he needs something to eat (he was especially excited about taking food and a drink to bed).

Elee also had to take part in a little bit of the camping experience and lay out with her snack and show, she was devastated however when we crashed her party and told her it was time to lay in her bed! Life's tough being so little!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Furry Visitor

We had a visitor this afternoon.

I'm assuming he/she is the reason all of the neighborhood cats have been snooping under our shed lately.

At one point the bunny was right outside our door on the back patio.

Ardon asked me to catch it for him so he could pet it. It did look cuddly and soft and probably would have been entertaining to watch me, belly and all, chasing it around the yard. I explained to him however that even if it was possible to catch, it's not really a good idea to pet wild animals.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The View From Here

This is what I see right now,

except it's not still but bumping and shifting all over the place.

Someone is getting all ready to start running around with their big brother and sister.

I'm not even sure exactly how far along I am at this point. I believe somewhere between 33 and 35 weeks. They had some trouble initially figuring out when my due date was and because of certain laws in place now they can't change the 'original due date'. I've been starting to have more consistent BH contractions and pressure and my doctor thinks this baby will probably make it's appearance sometime next month. We still don't know if we're having a boy or girl (I've heard Ardon praying for a brother a couple times) and we're completely without ideas for names (though Ardon has it all figured out if you ask him). We can't believe we're so close to welcoming this little one to the world all ready.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

When to Worry

When your husband and son are outside getting the grill lit and you hear, "Hey son, you want to see something really neat?"

"You should put it on there, dad!"
And as a fireball explodes (not to mention that my son has a fascination with fireballs) you hear your 4 year old holler "Whoa! Cool!"

Seems like a good time for a little worry.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


Anyone else having blogging trouble? I have had trouble a few times this week, now my most recent post is missing and possibly a couple others. Hm, I know blogger was down some for maintenance but this is the first time things have shown up missing for me.

I guess I'll start by re-posting my last post.

Tuesday Bronze and I celebrated our 8Th anniversary.

He got me a nice card and this pretty rose bush. My mom and dad watched the kids that evening so we could go out for a little bit. We got a bite to eat and drove around town for a while. It was nice just to have a quite drive and visit.
Some of the other things we've been up to....

Stopping to smell the flowers.
(Obviously not today with this cold air that has blown in!)

Squishing Spider Man while sporting our stylish glasses.

Working on our letters and numbers.

And last but not least, making every attempt possible (on her part) to go around naked! She is at least half dressed every time I get her out of bed as of late. One time she was completely undressed, diaper included.

It use to drive me crazy seeing kids out with bare feet when the weather was not warm, Ardon always loved to be dressed and would wear socks and shoes without complaint. Not Elee. Clothing to her is like the plague and must be shed at all cost. These days it's a miracle if I can make it driving to the end of our street with her completely dressed!