Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The View From Here

This is what I see right now,

except it's not still but bumping and shifting all over the place.

Someone is getting all ready to start running around with their big brother and sister.

I'm not even sure exactly how far along I am at this point. I believe somewhere between 33 and 35 weeks. They had some trouble initially figuring out when my due date was and because of certain laws in place now they can't change the 'original due date'. I've been starting to have more consistent BH contractions and pressure and my doctor thinks this baby will probably make it's appearance sometime next month. We still don't know if we're having a boy or girl (I've heard Ardon praying for a brother a couple times) and we're completely without ideas for names (though Ardon has it all figured out if you ask him). We can't believe we're so close to welcoming this little one to the world all ready.


  1. we love baby bumps pics! praying for a safe delivery and healthy mama and baby!!

  2. Wow! That's the same thing I see when I look down except there aren't any little feet that are going to be running around - especially not mine.
