Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, July 31, 2015

The Pantry

As usual, we had to eat at the Pantry at least once on our trip!
It's going to be a busy and fun day. After brunch we're on our way to a movie then the opera is tonight!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It Smells Like...

Santa Fe!

There is always a lot of good food and we've been having a feast today!
On the left was breakfast and the rest is dinner for tonight.
Plus chicharones!

Destination Reached

Well, after a very long, eventful and somewhat traumatic day we started a long journey and have finally arrived at our destination! 

We made pretty good time and as you can see, the rest of the crew is perked up after napping a lot of the way! Since some of us have been up going on 22 hours and it's still technically the wee hours of the morning I'm going to highly recommend a little more napping before we get too far!

Boise City

Gas stop!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Off Into the Sunset

Still have quite a bit of road to travel but there's quite a view at the moment!

In Transit

A gash in the head and a brown recluse bite haven't detoured us yet so here we go!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Old Fashioned Fun

Everyone seemed to be struggling to find a quiet activity to stay busy with while Weston napped. They tried a couple things then moved on to legos but that didn't last very long. No one seemed interested in any of the usual things we've been doing over the summer. I was racking my brain (and the internet) to find some ideas when something dawned on me. Down in our storage room was a box of my toys from when I was young. I brought it up and the kids were in awe as I started pulling things out. Once we got everything assembled the kids didn't waste any time and got busy playing.
Ardon was talking about how much fun these toys were and said he liked 'old fashioned' toys better!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's Pewfect

Chocolate mug cakes for breakfast
                Well, the batter is yummy...
So surely the cakes will be yummy.
Yep, pretty good stuff!