Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Please Stand By.....

I'm suddenly having trouble getting pictures and posts to upload from Bronze's computer, not sure if it's the computer or me :-P

AND, the crisis with my computer is worse than we thought.

I'll keep working on it and hopefully have it figured out soon!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Days

We had a little incident with my computer this week but finally got Bronze's set up so that I could do a little blogging update for the moment.
On the table waiting for surgery to start.
After surgery in the recovery room with our new bundle of joy.
Meeting grandparents.

Aunts and uncles.

And more grandparents.

Taking our first bath at home.

and snuggling up after sporting clean and fluffy hair!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

And Finally....

Announcing- Eliad Armor Eugene Leyba

8lbs 4oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

We are in love!

(More later when we don't have such a spotty Internet connection.)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Going Batty

The kids found a couple of toy bats in the house the other day.

The wheels in their heads were turning, do you know how many different things you can pretend with a bat?

For Elee, growing up with a big brother, one of the first ideas is to use them as weapons.

She started running through the house after him yelling, "Fight, fight!"

Of course he would encourage it and tell her to hit him. Pretty soon he's going to learn that's not such a great idea!

It was wild and I had to dodge a few swings but they sure had a blast!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Did You Know...

That it was 108 degrees outside today? I did, even before the weather man told me. I could tell while we were out working in the heat all day that it was bad, but at least we got a lot accomplished!

My last Saturday with baby still packaged up was spent doing gutter repairs, plumbing repairs, trim and wood work to the outside of the house and patching concrete. Hopefully our buyers will be happy. And now people can tell me I'm glowing and mean it quite literally!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Yesterday I made my drive to the OB's office for my last prenatal appointment.

Today I will be scrubbing toilets and floors for the last time before baby arrives.

We are finding out that this may be our last baby, kind of a hard pill to swallow but we'll know for sure after surgery.

I will be spending my last pregnant weekend doing a multitude of projects to the house with Bronze to satisfy the new buyers.

This is the last week I will spend with just these two.

This last week I have had the general public afraid that my baby was going to pop out in the middle of the grocery store, have been asked multiple times if I'm having twins and have been told that my life is about to get very busy. The last of these I am very well aware of, believe me, I don't need to be warned.
My brain has not been functional for blogging much lately. Maybe it's being at the end of pregnancy, or all the inspections and hubbub going on for the sale of our house, or maybe even the fact that I ended up with sick kids this week. Maybe a combination of all three. All I know is that I'm going to keep getting crazier, um, I mean things are going to keep getting crazier for a while. Okay, maybe a combination of both. Just be warned, things may be a little slow for me in blog world for a while, but that's only because they keep picking up at super speed in the real world! I will however do my best to keep you updated!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday Morning Fun

Our small town is really good at celebrating and offering free activities for holidays and different events. This morning they had their annual Independence Day parade.

It's great because the parade travels right in front of our house so we can just step out the front door as soon as we hear them coming! (I don't know why Ardon had such a scowl on his face, he was really enjoying himself.

There was a lot of candy throwing, the people in the parade are really good about this.

We saw Noah's Ark.

Ardon got a really big string of bright green beads!

And he was fascinated with the dirt bikes!

When we got back inside it was time to check out the loot.

It was a fun start to our Saturday.

Our little night owl (Elee) slept through the whole thing! Shortly after dozing off last night she got woke up from all the firework commotion outside and was up until after 1am. She's been doing really well at sleeping during all the noise but just had a little trouble last night. Oh well, I guess there are pro's as well as con's to all the wild celebrating! We did have some beads and candy for her when she woke up so she didn't feel like she missed out. Here she's 'cheesing' for the picture, she was happy to wake up to candy and purple beads!