Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

And when chocolate is involved it's pretty easy to do! Ardon is constantly asking Bronze to hang out, just the boys, and even though they spend time together regularly I figured a 'boys night' was in order and that it would present opportunity for something that almost never happens, 'girls night'! Eliad still needs his regular bedtime to function the next day so after some extra snuggle tme with daddy, he went off to dreamland and we got our hang time started. While the big boys went down stairs to play games Elee and I opted for snuggle time on the couch with popcorn and of course our little something sweet to go with it!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Look Who's 2

This last week has been super full of people, projects, predicaments, a precious new baby (but more on all of that another time...). As I sat down this evening to catch up on blogs I realized it had all ready been a week since my baby turned 2 and that I had not posted anything birthday related. Eliad turned 2 last Thursday and we had a party for him the following evening, it was a fun and wild night and a good time celebrating our littlest guy. Here are some shots of the fun.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Visit to the Fountains

The other day, before our more realistic hot weather showed up, we took the kids for a walk downtown and to see some of the fountains. Seeing wasn't all they ended up doing though. I told them to try not to get too wet but as they sat over the streams of water and Bronze laughed I realized we'd just have to strip them down for the ride home. It ended up being almost chilly by the time we were leaving and had started sprinkling on us so it's a good thing we had some blankets in the car.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Our Holiday

As usual this year, Bronze had to work on Independence Day. I decided that the kids and I weren't going to let it get us down this year and that we would just have to start celebrating while we were waiting for him to get off work. We started off by getting out to take Bronze and the guy working with him an early lunch around 11. After that I surprise the kids by taking them to a firework tent, they have been extremely excited this year, especially the older two, with the prospect of doing fireworks and had been asking about them since they had seen the tents go up. We did have a little bit of difficulty actually finding a tent because many of them had been blown away in a crazy wind storm we had the day after they started selling. Once we found a place and picked up our little supply, courtesy of Mimi and Grandpa, I decided to surprise the kids by taking them to the park to run around and play for a while. They had a great time and after an hour or so I let them each get out a box of poppers to throw on a big concrete pad that was there. We finished up our time at the park by eating lunch and running around for another 15 minutes then we came home for a rest time. Bronze had an ok route and was able to get off at a decent time so once he got home we went to my parents house for dinner and to shoot off our fireworks. We had a wonderful day and are thankful to be in a country where we have the freedom to celebrate our independence.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Walking by the Water

We decided to take advantage of the amazing summer weather we've been having and go for a walk last night. Bronze remembers going down by the river when he was younger and riding his bike along the path and he thought last night would be a good oportunity to take the kids down there for the first time. It was a nice way to enjoy the evening together!