Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Random Stuff This Week

Elee's been doing a lot of snuggling lately. It's a trick she's started using to keep us from handing her off to someone less familiar. Here she is giving daddy some snuggles.
Here Elee is using her sippy cup mimi got her for the first time, she really liked it, so much so that we had to take it away because she kept 'overflowing'.

And here's Ardon after I told him to come into the kitchen and close his eyes, you can tell by the grin he's already anticipating the Easter candy he spotted!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Pictures

I got the kids all dressed up to go get pictures taken. This is something I've been trying to get set up for a while and since Elee was turning 6 months old I made an extra effort to get it accomplished.

Ardon all decked out in his dress shirt and tie. This is the first time he's ever sported a tie by the way!
And here's Elee all ready to go in her fancy dress. This is also the first time for her to get all dressed up and wear a frilly dress.
It was sooo much fun getting them all fixed up, we had a good time playing dress up (well, I did any way and they did good to humor me;). So be ready grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, pictures are on their way!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Morning Snuggles

In the big bed together.

Note: Ardon is actually happy in this picture, not sure why he has that look on his face.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Play Things

Ardon really enjoys sharing with Elee and giving her things to play with. I heard a lot of crumpling noises and looked up from what I was doing to see her playing with this PAPER sack that he had given her. I did explain to him that sacks/bags are not appropriate toys for babies but of course with the sound it made and the handle that got all soggy from chewing she loved it.
After we put up the sack she decided to enjoy a book.
Then proceeded to tell me all about it.
And here's Ardon with a 'cape' that I had tied around his shoulders. He came out like this and announced,
"I'm a different kind of superhero!"

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun New Jams

Ardon has outgrown most of his pajamas. He has a couple of the really warm footed pj's but nothing for the more spring like weather and he sweats so much on the less chilly nights that we decided to pick up a lighter weight pair.

This is what we ended up with.

Cool dragon pajamas.

It's funny, this is how he likes to wear the cape/wings. I asked him if he could see through it and he said no.

Here he is showing Elee how dragons fly.

Elee thinks dragons are tasty!

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Breath of Fresh Air

It's been a long few weeks. Bronze has been working a lot of hours and even though the kids mostly appear to be over their colds they still seem to be having a lot of rough days. I decided we'd get out for some fresh air and try to take some pictures but....

Someone else wasn't too thrilled with that idea, so we moved on to other things.

Like dog fishing,
(an entertaining sport for dogs and boys;)

And reading indoor books while still mostly outside.

At least we got a little air and sunshine before the yucky winter weather comes back for a (hopefully last) visit.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bath Time

This is Ardon as a baby in his froggy towel.

And here is Elee.

I know there are similarities and a lot of people think they look just alike but I guess as their mom and knowing their personalities I see two totally different kids!



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reading Spot

For some reason Ardon always likes to sprawl out on our bed to 'read'.
Here I came in to find him reading a game manual, I couldn't imaging it being very exciting, especially since there were no pictures but he sure was interested in it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Stuff

My parents took us out for lunch today to celebrate Bronze's upcoming birthday.

We went to their house after for more celebrating and dessert!

It was a yummy cherry cheesecake dessert!
Later at home we played 'chase brother', Elee thought this was a great game, so did Ardon, daddy however was pretty warn out at the end!
Over all a good day. Too short of a weekend.
But aren't they all?!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Birthday Month

We have a LOT of birthdays to celebrate in March, two of them being Sydney and Jaxon who had a joint party Friday night.

It was a mermaid and pirate party, we loved the cool eye patch!

Of course there was cake too!
Happy Birthday Syd and Jax, we love you!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dinner Guests

Tonight Bronze's mom called and offered to come over and bring pizza for dinner. Of course who could say no to that!

After quite an extensive game of hide and seek with the aunts we decided to break out the finger paint.
Thanks for dinner and coming out to visit guys, it was fun. We don't get visitors out here very often so we really enjoyed having you come by!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beanie Boy

This is how Ardon came out after his nap today.

He'd found this hat before he laid down and wasn't too happy with me since I wouldn't let him sleep in it. (You see, he sweats really easily and since I had just bathed him I wanted him to stay 'fresh' as long as possible.)

And here's Elee wanting to get in on some of the camera action. It's funny how she already wants to be in the middle of everything!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Yesterday we had Elee's dedication at church.

This is something that's very important to me. Granted it's symbolic of a decision we already made, but this public act makes it even more real since the desire of my heart for my children is that they grow up to have a strong relationship with the Lord. Bronze and I have talked about doing this for a while but we finally got it set up.

I am so grateful and blessed that God has allowed me to be Elee's mom, I look forward to watching her grow and seek His will in her life!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lunch Date

Before someone came along,

We use to meet Bronze for regular Friday lunch dates at one of the stops on his rout. I would bring lunch and we'd sit in the car together to eat. Ardon loved getting to see daddy with his big truck and it was nice stopping by to visit him in the middle of the day.

Now that Elee does better in her car seat we have been trying to do this more often again.
Today is actually the first time Ardon has ever been able to get out to touch and see the truck up close.
He thought it was pretty neat!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Little Dough Boy

I have a love of baking/cooking and over the years this has become a creative outlet for me, if it's whipping up some new convection or even just coming up with a $3 dinner idea for my family to enjoy. I believe this is something that developed from generations of exemplary home makers, weather it was one grandmothers fresh homemade bread and Christmas pudding, the others extravagant 3 layer German chocolate cake and pies with the perfect crust, or my mom's savory venison stew and infamous chocolate chip cookies! I really delight in making things for others to enjoy and this is something Ardon has grown to appreciate as well, so, we 'create' together when we have the opportunity!Check Spelling

Mixing up our 'Spring Green' sugar cookie dough.

"Can I put this in my mouth when we are done mixing it?"

(Ah yes, deffinitely his mothers boy;)


One of those things that makes us all happy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Family Fun Night

Something we've been wanting to do is get member card to a place called Pure Entertainment. Tonight we actually did it! It's this great place with massive inflatables that you can climb/jump around on, & the best part, anyone over 18 gets in to use the equipment for free if they bring a child!

Going down the big slide. Ardon was fearless!


A better perspective on just how big these things are


Finding his way through the maze alone.


And wrestling this monstrous T-Rex!


It was a great way to burn off a little energy and get some exercise. We had a good time, hopefully everyone will sleep well tonight too.


(Please excuse the poor picture quality, my camera is a little 'aged' and the lighting in this place isn't great)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Look Who's Been Busy

Somebody was up more than usual last night...

So we decided to take a little snooze together, guess what we found when we woke up?

He had gone through the bedrooms and gathered all our pillows to use in addition to couch cushions and blankets.
This couch has been in my family for 30+ years, , my husband fell in love with it so it continues to haunt me to this day, the funny thing though is I can remember doing this exact same thing with it ;)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spiderman Vs. Sleeping Dad

Spiderman's on the verge of an attack,
If only Dad knew he was about to strike!