Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Christmas Morning

We had a nice Christmas morning at home before we headed out for all of our other gatherings.
Ardon had been up anxiously waiting to open gifts but we finally had to drag Elee out of bed so we could get started.
They started with stockings.
Then went on with their other gifts.
Ardon got this pop-up tent, it has already been hours of fun for both of them!

And here's Elee with her new baby doll.
It was so much fun this year to watch both the kids have so much fun on Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

8 Christmas Confessions

1. I was the least prepared for Christmas this year than I have ever been.
2. Except for church and 'special functions' my kids have been wearing footed pajamas 24/7.
3. The other day I may have let one of my children eat cookie dough before 8am, see yesterdays post.
4. I only did the bare minimum of house cleaning this week so I keep seeing dust bunnies dart across my floor.
5. I sat in fruit cake and discovered this while climbing out of the car for a family get together and finding a large lump stuck to the back of my pants.
6. We don't have cable so there is about 5 ft of painters tape holding a pair of rabbit ears to our TV, we can get between 13-16 channels this way!
7. I lost one of Elee's Christmas gifts, it was out with the other gifts on the floor waiting to be wrapped and then suddenly it was just gone, and the thing that's even worse, I can't remember what it was.
8. And last but not least, come July of 2011 we will be a family of 5!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Early 'Eve' Activities

Ardon is usually an early riser and since he's been having a little respiratory trouble lately he's been up even earlier. I decided that we would make the best of our early start and get to baking the cookie dough I had chilling in the fridge. We started out by licking off the beaters.
When I handed him his he asked, "Are we eating this cause it's supposed to make us feel better?" I couldn't help but smiling and told him that yes, in a special way it would make us feel better. He's definitely my boy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Taste Preferences

Elee gets so excited when she sees me with a coffee. She will watch for me to set the cup down then hurry over to try and snatch a drink, fortunately there were just drips this time.

About 30 minutes later I guess she was eyeing daddy with a bottle of coke, when he tossed it in the trash and walked out of the room she saw her opportunity and took it. This is how I found her when I came around the corner. She'll do anything to get a little bit of the good stuff!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lexus Vs. Semi

Semi wins!
Long story short, Bronze drove it to work Monday since that is his short day. As he was in his tractor getting ready to head out for the morning he heard someone knocking on his door. When he opened it one of the guys he works with looked at him and said "Man, I got your car." Bronze asked if he dinged it and the only response back was "No, I GOT your car."
Everyone felt really bad about it, it's been a little crazy getting the repairs set up but in the end it will be fixed at no cost to us and at least it was just the car and not a person.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

6 Days....

until Christmas!
Are you ready?!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Faces of Elee



She has just a smidgen of ornery in case you couldn't tell!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

3 Shots

Elee had to get some vaccinations today, it wasn't any fun but she recuperated fairly quickly. This evening she wanted to look at the band aids (she likes to call them stickers) on her legs.
She had two in her right leg and one in her left leg.

She can't resist pulling them off so that she can try to stick them somewhere else.
Now time for the yellow ones.
They were more fun because there was more 'sticky' left to them.

She was a little traumatized after pulling them off, remembering what happened earlier, and was really upset when I laid her down to get her pajamas back on. I think she was afraid she was going to get shots again. It always helps to snuggle something soft and fuzzy though to make us feel better.
This is our second round and we have another round of shots in 30 days, bringing our final tally to 11 immunizations in just a couple months. HOPEFULLY that will be it for a while.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Silly Girl

Elee loves to play with the dishes as I unload the dishwasher.
She puts this bowl on her head and flicks her head forward quickly to try and flip it off.

She's going to end up with whiplash.

I usually end up having to re-wash a lot of the dishes but figure it's cheep entertainment for everyone!

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Child's Prayer

The other night we got out to run a couple of errands. We were just finishing up and getting ready to drive towards home when Ardon says from the back seat, "I think we should pray for grandpa." We told him that sounded like a great idea and that he could go ahead and pray what was on his heart. As we quietly listened this is what came from the back seat.
"Dear Jesus, please help grandpa when he's driving home tonight, and keep him safe so he doesn't get bumped on the road by another car and have to have the police man come to him. Please help him get home so he can be with meme. And Jesus, please help meme for when she goes to bed tonight so she can be able to sleep when it's night time."
"Jesus, I want to pray for the grandpa that lives in Santa Fe, that he would be able to get more rides to grandma Leyba's house so we can see him more."
"And Jesus, be with great grandpa and help him not get sick any more so he doesn't have to go to the hospital any more and so he can stay home and feel better."
"We love you Jesus, Amen."
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Ephesians 6:18a And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Then & Now

December 2007


December 2010

Same Santa hat, hard to believe it's the same little boy!