Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A New Do

We finally have enough hair for little pig tail tufts!

Impressing a 3 Year Old

Our neighbors have been putting a new driveway in this week. Ardon has been fascinated with the trucks, tractors and jackhammer (sorry, didn't think to take any pictures). Yesterday he spent a majority of the morning just sitting at the window and watching, he was ecstatic when one of the guys looked up and waved to him.

A little later in the kitchen I was making coffee and had to open a new bag of sugar so I could add some to my cup. Ardon came in and started watching intently. The glue was really stuck and I was trying to open it slowly so sugar wouldn't go flying. I finally managed to get the flap open and Ardon exclaimed, "Wow mom, good job, you're really, really strong just like the guys working on the neighbors driveway are really, really strong!"

Yes, you know and I know that strength really didn't have anything to do with it but it did my heart good to have him so proud of me, comparing me to the workers he so admired next door. I know as these days pass I'll become less amazing and one of these times when I blink, I'll turn around to hear a manly voice say something like, "Here mom, let me help you with that."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Her New Thing

Elee just got her first tooth, it finally poked through on Sunday morning.

It's a new sensation having something sharp in our mouths.

So this is what we look like a lot of the time now.

And this.

And then sometimes it comes way out.

She turned 10 months old on Monday. I was going to get her all dressed up and take some pictures but we got distracted with all the clean up that was happening, so instead here are her silly face pictures. She brings us so much joy and always makes us laugh!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Busy & Dirty Days

It seems like there is always 'something' happening at our house and a lot of times it ends in home repair. Many of you know that we had to re-do the inside of our house from the ground up after we bought it. Right now we are getting ready to put a new roof on and do some driveway repairs. It's a never ending saga of repairs and replacements with home owning, this last Sunday night was no different.

We got home late Sunday evening and started getting the kids ready for bed. Bronze commented about a smell, a bad smell. I noticed it too and it kept getting worse. We finally looked out in the garage and found that our sewer had backed up through a pipe coming out of our crawl space. YUCK! Sewage was all over and the smell was terrible.

We had to temporarily plug the pipe to keep anything else from coming up.
A couple diapers and some tape are doing good job for now. I have a feeling this is going to be a big project. It looks like Bronze is going to have to re-plumb a lot of the drainage piping under the house so that it will function properly. Ugh!
We have been using our garage as a storage unit so there was a lot of clean up to be done. Knowing there wasn't much that could be done Sunday night we waited until Monday morning to get started. It was a long, hot, disgusting day!

Bronze's mom and sisters came over to help keep these guys entertained while we worked on stuff. We were able to get everything pretty much cleaned up and put back together and of course downsized a lot with everything we ended up getting rid of. I am just thankful it wasn't any worse, I'm sure it could have been.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


That's what Bronzes work schedule has done to us! It has been really nice to have him home so much. Yes, when he goes in early it does limit how much we can be out in the evening, but that's such a small price to pay in the long run. His average schedule is: Monday home any time from 7-9am, Tuesday about 2, Wednesday off, Thursday 3ish and Friday 2ish. He never has to work weekends! HOWEVER, there is an occasional day like today. They needed him to fill in for someone, on an out of town rout, waaay out in the western part of our state and the truck was about twice as full as normal. (sigh) Needless to say, it has thrown our week out of wack! Fortunately he still has mobile service so we can at least call to bug each other, well, probably me bugging him more than him bugging me;~) It's going to be a long day, with wild children, a wife anxious for grown-up conversation, and a very tired husband at the end of it. Oh well, like I said, a small price to pay. .

Sooo, here's what we've been doing all day to keep ourselves busy.

We got our big craft box out, one of Ardon's favorite things!

It takes a lot of concentration,

to get everything in just the right spot.

The finished product, a puppet!

Someone woke up from a little snooze.

He showed her what we accomplished while she was in dream land.

Then we played for a while.

It was very exciting. And noisy.

Did another craft. (Serious stuff, can you tell by his face?)

(He would do this all day if I let him.)

And this time ended up with a silly hat.

Then we ate some lunch.

And played some more. This time in a tent made for 2!

I even managed to do my hair and get some make-up on, quite a feat these days let me tell you!

At this moment everyone is asleep, not sure how long it will last but hopefully I wore them out enough for it to last a while;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Homemade Happiness

I know it's been incredibly hot lately, way too hot to do baking right? But there's just something about making things for my family. Bronze actually laughs if I buy anything that comes in a box or ready to bake just because he's so accustom to me making things from scratch.
It also provides something for Ardon to do since he likes to climb up on the counter and jump right in helping me. At least I made them when it was 'less' hot out.
My kids can't stay out of it. They like it plain, no butter or jelly.
He must have eaten at least 3 of them for his bedtime snack.

As a side note, blogger is finally letting me upload pictures AND text so hopefully this will continue and I can get back to blogging regularly.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Independence Day

I'm still having some trouble with my blogger account but I'll try to go ahead and post some stuff from the 4th since it's been almost a week. It was mostly laid back, we had lunch at my mom and dad's and then fireworks at our house that evening. Our town always goes all out with the fireworks so there was quite a display, which we took a small part in =)

The kids really enjoyed the fireworks, Elee almost more than Ardon I think! It was a good day and nice to have a long weekend since Bronze had Monday off.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Saturday Morning Parade

On the 3rd our town had a parade, we invited Bronze's family out to watch it and have brunch after. We had a good time. Unfortunately blogger is not cooperating today so I can't caption each of the pictures for you but it was lots of fun, Heaven was up close with Ardon and helped him get lots of candy. Elee wasn't quite sure why I drug her outside to sit on the ground that early but at the end with her own little prize, I think she thought it was worth it!