Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Impressing a 3 Year Old

Our neighbors have been putting a new driveway in this week. Ardon has been fascinated with the trucks, tractors and jackhammer (sorry, didn't think to take any pictures). Yesterday he spent a majority of the morning just sitting at the window and watching, he was ecstatic when one of the guys looked up and waved to him.

A little later in the kitchen I was making coffee and had to open a new bag of sugar so I could add some to my cup. Ardon came in and started watching intently. The glue was really stuck and I was trying to open it slowly so sugar wouldn't go flying. I finally managed to get the flap open and Ardon exclaimed, "Wow mom, good job, you're really, really strong just like the guys working on the neighbors driveway are really, really strong!"

Yes, you know and I know that strength really didn't have anything to do with it but it did my heart good to have him so proud of me, comparing me to the workers he so admired next door. I know as these days pass I'll become less amazing and one of these times when I blink, I'll turn around to hear a manly voice say something like, "Here mom, let me help you with that."

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