Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We have been planning on cutting up a pumpkin for a couple weeks now. It was an activity for one of our school studies and Ardon had been really looking forward to it. He was really excited when I bought in pumpkins and told him today was the day we were going to finally get it done.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saturday Stuff

Our Saturday afternoon consisted of making homemade bread, new brakes and painting pictures.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A First

For quite some time we have been talking about trimming up Elee's hair and tonight we got out the scissors. She has never had her hair cut or trimmed so it was kind of a big event. She was really excited and wanted me to keep cutting! It's only a small part from the ends where it would get more tangled but it measures 3 1/2 inches long.
I'm not sure if my pictures will load in the right order but here they are anyway.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Parting is such sweet sorrow. We are headed home! We will miss everyone here very much! Kansas, here we come!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

An Early Morning

This morning we drug the kids out of bed at 5:30 and headed of to Albuquerque for the balloon fiesta's mass ascension which started at 6. I was not looking forward to getting everyone up that early, especially since the hour time change has been hard on them all ready. Everyone has been overly tired and dealing with the sniffles but Bronze still thought it would be a good event to attend so we went with his plans even though I doubted a pleasant outcome. Everyone was calm and quiet when we got them up and just sat back and relaxed for the hour trip. As we got closer and you could see all the baloons getting ready to take off, the kids got so excited. We got into the balloon launch area and it was really neat, there were sooo many hot air balloons. You could walk all around them and stand next to them as they took off, Elee even got to touch one as it was filling with hot air! We had a great time and are glad we were able to schedule our trip around the fiesta!

A Beautiful Day

It was great weather out today so we went for a walk and did some exploring.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Glimpse

Just some pictures to show what's been going on.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

La Casita

We made it! It was about midnight our time when we got in. The kids were dozing in and out and fussing so once we got unloaded we found somewhere for everyone to lay and made it our goal to keep them there, hence no post. But, we are here now and ready to start our vacation! The kids are having fun checking out home away from home.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Last Pit Stop!

At 9:00, we stopped in Clayton for dinner since no one had eaten anything solid (and I don't mean the hard candies Burgandi got for the kids). Unfortunately there were 2 gas stations to choose from and that was it for our fine dining experience. Sooo, we grabbed a couple of heat and go things, heated them and then went. Eliad wasn't thrilled about getting back in the car but neither was I. Now we are in rout again, in about an hour and a half we'll be at our next stop, Santa Fe!

Crossing the Line

We are just crossing the border, for those of you who are curious. The boys are out (no, we didnt leave Ardon behind, he is laying against the side in the back seat) and Elee is still entertained by watching Dora. This is Eliad's first road trip and he is doing a great job. Burgandi is knitting, I am co-piloting and Bronze (after some light snacking and 56 oz of coke) is still awake and at the wheel! We have had cloud cover so far. It has been so nice driving West without the glare of the evening sun in our eyes!