Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today I:

1. Peeled and chopped 15 lbs of potatoes.

2. Bandaged the bloody finger of a little boy who tried to help me peel the potatoes.

3. Used the potatoes to make enough chowder to feed a small army.

4. Made 3 recipes worth of cake, from scratch.

5. Scrubbed floors, bathrooms and my kitchen for the second time this week.

6. Helped my husband move gravel and re-designate temporary parking.

7. Spent too much time at our city building debating zoning/building permits/code issues. (Long story, has to do with number 6)

8. Re-organized and re-arranged my house for the second time this week.

9. Bagged up 28+ loaves of bread my husband brought home from work.

10. Washed and put away 2 sinks full and 2 dishwasher loads full of dishes. (This was a result of #1-4.)

11. Drew pictures for my son who was begging me to draw him the characters from the latest movie he watched.

12. Opened up my windows early to let in the cool morning air.

13. Made a quick run to the store for peanut butter, got home and guess what I bought, butter.

14. Tucked my children and husband in bed.

It is now after midnight and I'm sitting here with my heating pad on my back thinking- I still need to vacuum my rugs, frost and decorate cake, SHOWER, and finishing setting up and decorating for Elee's party tomorrow, which is at noon by the way. I guess I'll be getting up early since I am only going to try to accomplish one of these things tonight, can you guess which one it will be? At this point I'm starting to doubt even that will happen.

What a day! It's late so please forgive me if my grammar is off or there are any misspellings/missing words. Even as I'm typing most of my words are coming out backwards. Just thought I'd share my 'goings on' today with you since my blogging has been behind this week. Hopefully next week will be better, Bronze has vacation time so we're excited about our week off!


  1. Prayers that Elee's party is super fun for everyone!

  2. You wore me out just reading about your busy day!!! The love of a Mother for her kids & family - you are simply the best!!

    Love, Netta
