Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Out With The Old

We have been waiting a long time to get rid of these-

The dryer wasn't terrible but the washer was one we picked up from a curb. We were told it didn't really work, which was true, but we've made due with it for 4 years. It was definitely time to invest in a new set!

They're here!

It provided a lot of entertainment this morning.
(At one point I looked over to see Ardon watching the guys, who were totally oblivious to him, aiming his Nerf gun into the laundry room at them with an ornery grin on his face. I panicked but was able to get his attention & make him put the gun away before anything disastrous/embarrassing happened!)

They brought them in and got them all set up.

Sears was having a 30% off sale so we were able to get a really good deal. I was originally against a front load set but after reading reviews until my eyes were crossed and with a little persuasion from Bronze this is what we finally decided on. Now hopefully I can figure out how to use them so that I can actually wash cloths!


  1. Woo hoo!! I love my front loaders. We found them 'damaged' at Lowe's about three years ago and I'm so glad! If you use homemade laundry detergent it's safe for them too, we've had no problems using it. Happy laundering :)

  2. Laundry is almost, dare I say it, exciting now! The set is a lot easier to use than I thought it would be and boy can you stuff a lot more in!
