Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It's so easy to set stereotypes. For instance, there are many different types at the grocery store. Like the mothers who's children seem wild through the whole store. You know the kinds, they're the ones who's kids are still in their PJ's and opening everything in the shopping cart while snot comes out of their noses.
Well today we fit in to that stereotype. We fit it well.
I had to go to the store, so against my better judgement we took off.
Normally things go fine, it's a nice opportunity for us to get out of the house for a little bit and the most tiresome part is just the getting everyone loaded and unloaded everywhere. Today however, things did not go normally.
We haven't been out much lately so the kids have a lot of built up energy, energy they decided to take out by bouncing all around in the store. Every time I turned around I had to pull someone out of the way of oncoming shoppers. I had a terrible time getting store associates to help me, and poor Eliad was so tired he cried until he fell asleep in the checkout line. As we were loading up to leave I was trying to load up Eliad's carrier while holding open the back hatch for the guy loading my groceries. In this short couple of seconds Elee, the child who never leaves my side, ran out in the parking lot to jump into a puddle. Sigh. Eliad's seat banged along the car as I dropped the hatch on the sacker who was loading my car (sorry) so I could run to grab my wayward child.
At that moment I felt all eyes on me and immediately felt sorry for those 'stereotypical' moms that struggle through a shopping trip.
I'm not stressed out or frustrated by the experience, just tired and thankful that nap time is just around the corner!

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