Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


There are different stages in life. A lot of times they are new and exciting and sometimes they are monotonous and tiresome.
Right now we are in one of the monotonous ones. Don't get me wrong, it's not necessarily bad, we've had our share of exciting and it's kind of nice to just be settled into a routine.
Unfortunately our routine lately hasn't allowed for much me and Bronze time.
Every day is the "same-ole same-ole", Bronze going into work super early, me taking care of the kids and home life all day, Bronze getting off work in time to eat dinner, get everyone ready for and off to bed then starting all over again the next day. The weekends are filled with getting things caught up on that didn't get done during the week and any other obligations that we must fulfill. Life's over all good and God has been good to us, we are blessed.
The other night after getting the kids to sleep we did something out of the ordinary, instead of Bronze heading off to his early bed time while I finish getting things put back together from the day we snuck off to our room very quietly. You see, Bronze had found some hidden camera shows that were entertaining so we thought we'd watch some to lighten up our serious schedule. We got all set up and let the videos roll. It was so much fun to laugh together. We laughed until there were tears coming out of our eyes, we laughed until our sides hurt and we had to muffle our screams in our pillows so that we wouldn't wake our sleeping children. I don't know if the fact that we were so tired and in autopilot had anything to do with it or if it was really that funny, but I do know that laughter is good for the soul and our souls were in pretty good shape the other night.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that makes me so happy to hear. I'm really glad you guys got some time to yourselves. Laughter really is the best medicine and all the more so when you're spending time with your spouse!
