Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Nasty Virus

No, it wasn't one of us, thankfully. Unfortunately though, it was our computer. But again, thankfully, we had someone who was able to fix it for us.

It's funny, we just got Internet for the first time in our married lives a couple months ago. I wasn't really wanting to get it but Bronze had been talking about it for some time so I finally said okay. Who do you think missed being able to access the Internet the most? ;) I've really enjoyed blogging, blog browsing, checking email at my leisure and looking up recipes or what ever I need info on at the moment. True, it didn't take that long (thanks Mike) to get the situation remedied but you know how it is.

So finally, here are a couple things from our week.

Eyelashes like daddy's.

Fun with a fort.
After playing in it for a while he insisted we tear it down and build a different one because he wanted a tent instead! Silly boy.
And precious piggy toes!
(I know, it's one of those mommy things!)

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