Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Missing It

I have really been missing blogging! We've had so much going on for me to blog about but I'm still having computer trouble. I'm not even sure if this post will go through but I'm giving it a shot.
The kids are doing great, Eliad has been a wonderful addition to our family and the kids are great with him. In some ways I can't believe he's a month old all ready and in others it seems like he's always been a part of our family!
2 weeks old
1 month old
Snuggling with big sister
Hanging out with big brother
The three of them
Story time with Ardon
Hopefully our computer will cooperate more often so I can do more regular updates.

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is so cute!!!! He sure looks like Bronze as a baby. I still have to get your card in the mail - will do that this week. What's going on with the house? We sure love you all and praise God for blessing you (and us) with healthy, wonderful kiddos!! Hugs & kisses!!

    Aunt Netta
