Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Resting and Recuperating

Down time with daddy.
It seems we have been under the weather a lot lately! Ardon ran a high fever last week but seemed to be getting better by Friday.
Sunday morning -Mothers Day- in church he started acting funny so I took his temp- 103. Needless to say we packed up and headed home. He was pretty miserable the rest of the day.
Monday -Our 7th Anniversary- we spent a better part of the day at the doctors office, well, Ardon and I in the office, Bronze wrestling Elee out in the van! After a long wait and reading all the children's books twice we finally find out Ardon tested positive for strep, off to the pharmacy! We got to finish off the day, soaking wet from rain, in out neighbors basement waiting out the tornado threat.
Early this morning I get a call from Bronze, he is working and can hardly see straight, extremely dizzy and feeling very sick! He asks me to check on Ardon to make sure he's okay because someone told him that with his symptoms it sounds like he has carbon monoxide poisoning! Ahhh! I check on Ardon, he seems to be okay, and turn off my furnace. I get kids up and around so we can take Bronze some meds and make a stop to get my dysfunctional phone taken care of.
This afternoon we find out Bronze's grandpa is not doing well, he had to be hospitalised again, (didn't know he had been hospitalised before) and has had a series of strokes.
(We love and are praying for you grandpa!)
Whew, and it's only Tuesday! What could tomorrow hold?! Well, for one thing, purchasing a new carbon monoxide alarm, not sure what else, but then again, not sure I want to know!
The good news is, we were able to find out why Ardon was sick and get him on antibiotics right away, our house did NOT get blown away in a tornado and the meds I gave Bronze earlier seem to be helping. Oh yeah, I was also able to get a replacement for my phone at no cost.
As we look to that silver lining with the crazy storm clouds that have been brewing (quite literally actually) here's to a brighter tomorrow!

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