Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Monday, February 10, 2014

That made me feel....

OLD! Wow!
Over the weekend we were home more than usual and as a result the kids drug up some of the old boardgames we have down in the basement. As I was cooking dinner on Saturday evening Ardon came excitedly to the table with his new favorite game, Battleship. He started getting it all set up so he and Elee could play together. Now Ardon has played this game with my dad before but they have only done it using their phones. After he finished setting up Ardon came into the kitchen and said, "Ok mom, I got it all set up, can you show me how to shoot?" Now, if you're familiar with Battleship, this particular set up isn't one of the oldest styles where you have 1 gaming unit that you have to sit right across from each other, but it isn't one of electronic types either. I went on to explain to him that when I had this game growing up not all games were electronic like the ones they play now and that we didn't even have the ability to play them on phones like they do now. After he looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language and came from another planet I proceeded to explain to him how the game worked. He still really enjoyed playing despite the fact that it may not have been what he originally expected but I didn't expect to find myself having that kind of "when I was kid..." conversation with my kids yet.

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