Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How We "Faired"

Yesterday was free day at the Kansas State Fair and since Bronze was able to finish up with work at a decent time we loaded up and headed to Hutch.
 We walked around a bit then headed to check out some of the animals.
Elee is a lot like her dad,
 the sounds and smells are a little much for her.
But unlike her dad, cute bunnies seem to make it all worth it.
 My boys on the other hand,
 are a lot more like me,
 happy to see and touch all the animals.
 Even happy to feed them which is extra exciting.
 Then there were the rides...
We hadn't planned on spending any money while at the fair, it was 'free' day after all, and I had packed snacks and drinks to take with us. While we were meandering through the carnival area we came across a couple of girls who were done for the day and they offered the kids the rest of their ride tickets, SCORE!
Elee had a panic attack on the way up to the first ride and even though I had to drag her crying up the steps (yes, I'm that kind of mom) she settled down as soon as we took off and her crying turned to laughter.
 The first ride was calm and pleasant, it was a school bus that looped up and down, nice and slowly.
Another ride was the Wiggle Wurm. It was a lot of fun too, it went around in circles and bumped up and down. Here the boys rode together because...
 someone only wanted to go if she could sit with me, again, a nice calm ride.
 Then there was this ride, it should come with a disclaimer,
Again Elee only wanted to sit with me. Let's just say that through this ride I worried enough about my youngest (hence no pictures) to last him well into his teen years! As I sat through the ride holding onto Elee I was yelling at Ardon the whole time to make sure his brother was hanging on and to smash him into the side of the seat so he wouldn't fly out, he did a great job but I still suffered a slight panic attack.
It may not be too much of a ride for an adult or even bigger kids but definitely not for a 2 year old, especially without someone hanging onto them!
 After being slightly scarred from the last ride (just me, the kids were fine) we opted for one that we could sit together. This was fun, but loud, and definitely not for those who get dizzy easily.
 Ardon sat by himself since there was an actual seat belt this time,
 and these 2 rode with me since I wasn't risking my sanity again.
 Bronze, who cannot handle carnival rides to save his life, was our faithful picture-taking bystander
 To finish up our time we headed for the more laid back activities like milking cows,
 or feeding them hay.
 The big bug exhibit of life under ground is always a hit as well.
We stopped at the gas station for special drinks (it didn't matter how much money we saved on our 'free' day, I couldn't justify $5 for a fair drink) before heading home. We had a nice time as a family and the kids had a blast.

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