Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wind Blown

It's a little windy at our house today!
But she doesn't seem to mind.
Neither does he.
But when playing outside and dirt is involved a lot of things can be overlooked!
"Elee, are you eating dirt?"

"It's gross, it's gross!"
(she responds emphatically)
"Yes Elee, it is gross, keep it out of your mouth!"

It seems like we have been so busy that the kids haven't really been able to play outside on the nice days we've had. I know it's windy and not as warm today, but the kids couldn't stand being cooped up any longer so I had to let them play out back for a bit. I think the dirt and fresh air did them good. They would have stayed out all afternoon if I let them!

1 comment:

  1. so gross!!! ha ha I can just hear her now!!! We love you guys!
