Here's our story as it unfolds one day at a time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Drawer Pulls

I couldn't find anything for Ardon's dresser that was the right size and in our price range so I decided to get creative.
I bought this cord at the hardware store.
Then I threaded it through the holes and added some glue for extra hold.
There had been 3 holes drilled for the old pulls so I decided to look for something decorative to cover the center holes.

I found these at the craft store and really liked them.

It only ended up costing me a few dollars for everything together, a lot better deal than the $15+ I could have spent otherwise!

Friday, August 27, 2010

What We've Been Doing

Working on our letters.
(He wrote these all by himself.)

My latest project.

Textured and almost finished.

And done!

Not perfect, but so much better than before.
Then this little girl turned 11 months old yesterday! My how time flew by! I can't believe there is going to be another first birthday in the works. She's very social at this point and has developed quite an independent little personality!
I've been really busy trying to get several projects done around the house lately, and of course, the kids love to be right there in the middle of it all. Next I am going to tackle drawer pulls for Ardon's dresser, making doors for a hall cupboard and paint our gutters. If I get really ambitious I may go ahead and scrape the bathroom ceiling so we can repair a leak and put up new spray texture. We'll have to see how far my ambition takes me!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Guess What We've Been Doing...

It's been really messy.

And a little crazy.
We're finally getting our roof done.

And made a new friend in the process.
It's been noisy, it's been dirty, but it's finally done! Gutter repair is next and we'll pick another project from our list after that.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Ah, The Weekend!

Hope your weekend starts off as relaxed as Elee's,
And as comfy as Ardon's in 4 pairs of his daddy's socks.

(As side note, while wearing these he said, "Mom, these socks make my feet really strong, see I can kick things really hard and it doesn't hurt my feet!" as he kicks the fridge and limps off with a half smile.)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making Old Things New

I have this 'generational', I guess you could call it, chest of drawers that I have been wanting to use for Ardon's room. It was something my great grandmother got for my mom and painted to match the rest of her furniture. I also used it when I was younger. It's not an expensive piece of furniture and has had some wear and tear over the years. Because of this I decided to freshen it up with a new coat of paint, which also made it
'boy friendly'.

It was this white and gold with decorative pulls.
We went to Walmart and looked in the discounted section where they have the paint that didn't turn out quite right for someone else.

I let him pick between a few colors and this is what he chose.

He's been asking to help paint for the last couple days so I finally obliged and let him work on one of the drawers.

All finished and ready for cloths.
Now we just need to get some neat pulls to decorate it with.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Are You?

I decided to get cleaned up earlier. I barricaded Elee in her spot on the family room floor, told Ardon to keep an eye on her and hopped in the shower. After a little bit I could hear Elee hollering discontentedly, she was ready to move on to something else and wondered where everyone was. I called to Ardon and heard a muffled response. Hmm, I thought, wonder what that means. Then I asked if he was ok, his response was a simple yet muffled yes. A few minutes later I hear "Mom, help!" I told him I was coming, finished up and came out looking for him. No Ardon anywhere. I walk back towards the bathroom and ask where he is. Still muffled I hear him say "In my toy box!"
I walk in his room to see this-

So being the responsible mother I am, I told him to hang on a minute and went to grab my camera.
When I asked what happened he told me,
"I was leaning in looking for a toy and my leg was out like this and the lid went bam and shut on my leg and I pulled my leg in and turned around to get out and the lid was stuck!"
And stuck it was. Part of the plastic on the toy box was bent and the lid would not open past it. Judging by the sounds from while I was getting cleaned up, he must have been in there for a while.
Fortunately he was not too upset by the incident but simply requested that we leave the lid off of his toy box!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday Crafting

I stocked up on some extra crafting supplies that I found a good deal on the other day. Ardon has anxiously been awaiting our next crafting session since he was with me when I picked them up. Today we made a door knob hanger.

Getting everything all set out and ready.

We put his name on it and got it all decorated.

Waiting for the glue to dry.

Getting it hung just right on the door knob.


All finished!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Music Time

Bronze pulled out my old keyboard this morning.
The kids thought it was great!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Making Memory

Ardon loves to play with cards. His young aunts and uncle will occasionally have some cards out and they'll play some sort of game with him. We didn't have cards at home for him to play with so I decided we would make our own.

I glued two large index cards together.

After the glue dried we used a regular card as a template.

Then we found one of Ardon's sticker books and he picked out the stickers he wanted to use in pairs.

We made sure each of the cards had a sticker and I cut them out.
All done!

He absolutely loves it!
We've used them to play 'Memory' and 'Go Fish'. We are going to start some scheduled school activities in a couple weeks so I think we will make a set with letters and one with numbers to add to our educational games.